189,99 ZŁ PER YEAR

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Weight loss diet, healthy living - Fit Lovers App Weight loss diet, healthy living - Fit Lovers App
Lose weight and
and stay fit
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nutrition coaches
food, shopping, activity

Let’s work out together!

Take part in challenges, work out at home or in the gym and get yourself in top shape!

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Workouts available everywhere, anytime!

  • Personalized diet plan
  • Mentoring and support during your program
  • Practical shopping list
  • Everything you need in one application
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Effective online diet

Unique application to fully support your healthy lifestyle

  • Workout plans and challenges tailored to your goals
  • Home and gym exercises
  • Different levels of difficulty
  • A diet tailored to your physical activity
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Home training plans

Single trainings

Wybierz RODZAJ spersonalizowanej diety.
one of the diets


This diet focuses on foods rich in healthy fats, such as olive oil, nuts and fish. Our menu includes a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and moderate amounts of poultry and red meat. The menu is loaded with nutrients, supporting heart health and overall wellness.

Lifestyle change at a higher level!

Take the first step towards achieving your goals!
Effective and easy weight loss with Fit Lovers

Dołącz do grona tysięcy osób, które pobrały FIT LOVERS APP
the first steps:


Po zakupie abonamentu nie zostaniesz sam! Do Twojej dyspozycji są bowiem NIELIMITOWANE konsultacje z dietetykiem!

Jedna wizyta w gabinecie dietetycznym kosztowałaby Cię 200 zł! U nas oprócz planu żywienia i treningów video w każdym abonamencie konsultacje możesz odbywać bez limitu!!!
  • Good morning
  • How can I help you?
  • I've got a few questions
  • I'm listening....

PRAWDZIWY DYPLOMOWANY DIETETYK będzie dostępny dla Ciebie na czacie!

  • Możesz zgłosić się do niego z każdym pytaniem odnośnie diety, treningu,

  • Skorzystasz z wiedzy i opieki dietetyków klinicznych, psychodietetyków, specjalistów ds. żywienia sportowego

  • Jeśli zechcesz coś zmienić również daj znać

  • W momencie braku motywacji daj koniecznie znać! Zadziałamy :)

Lifestyle change at a higher level!

Take the first step towards achieving your goals!
Can I change my diet plan during the current subscription?
Yes, you can change the type of diet/goals you want to achieve or exclude certain ingredients from the plan at any time within the app.
How to change your diet in the purchased app?
WEB: Click on the small triangle at the top, in the right corner next to the avatar, then select 'Update plan' and choose the diet that suits you :).
APP: Go to your profile (bottom right corner), then click on 'Settings' (top left corner) and go to 'Diet Settings' and click on the name of the current diet, then a menu with all available options will expand. In the app, you can also go to your profile and click on the name of the current diet.
How to change your goal/weight/type of job/gender?
WEB: Click on the small triangle at the top, in the right corner next to the avatar, then go to 'Select Diet' and click on the name of your current diet; a menu with all available options will then expand.
APP: Click: Profile (bottom right corner), then click on Settings (top left corner) and navigate to 'User Information.

How to connect the app to a calorie tracker?
Hey, check if you can connect this app to 'Apple Health' or 'Google Fit'. Then, log in to the Fit Lovers app, go to your profile, enter 'Settings,' and from the list, select 'Fitness Apps,' and there, connect your account to Apple Health or Google Fit.
How to replace a meal in my daily plan?
To replace a meal in your daily plan in the Fit Lovers app, follow these steps: WEB:
1. Log in to your account and go to 'My Plan.'
2. Click the arrow next to the name of the meal you want to replace.
3. Scroll down and select 'Replace Meal.'
4. Choose the meal you're interested in from the meal database, adjust the calories, and click 'Add to Plan.'
5. Once you have finished entering the information, click the "Save" button in the top right corner of the app. APP:
1. Open the Fit Lovers app on your device.
2. Find the tab or section with your nutrition plan.
3. Locate the meal you want to replace and select it.
4. For iOS, swipe left; for Android, go to the specific recipe, click on the three dots at the top of the screen, and choose 'Replace.'
5. Browse the available meal options and select the one you want to replace the original recipe with.
6. After making your choice, adjust the calories and confirm the changes.
Where can I find the shopping list?
To access the shopping list, open the app, and then use the 'Shopping' tab. At the top of the screen, you can choose whether Fit Lovers should display the list for today or a specific time frame.
How to add water intake information?
WEB:In the 'My Plan' view, click on the cup icon in the upper right corner and select the amount of water you've currently consumed.
APP: To add information about the amount of water you've consumed, use the plus button visible in the middle of the bottom part of the screen. Then click 'Add water' and select the amount you've consumed. You can also adjust your daily water intake plan using the 'Options' button visible in the upper right corner of the screen.
How to add your own meal?
WEB: Go to the favourites tab and click the plus icon, then select 'I want to add a new recipe.' Enter the name of the meal, specify the required preparation time, add ingredients. You can also describe the cooking process and add a photo. After completing the information, click the 'Save in my meals' button.
APP: To add your own meal, use the plus button visible in the middle of the bottom of the screen, click 'add food,' and then click the plus in the upper right corner and select 'create your own recipe.' Then, add the meal's name, specify the required preparation time, add ingredients. You can also describe the preparation method and add a photo. After entering the information, use the 'Save' button visible in the upper right corner of the application.
How to add a snack?
WEB: Scroll to the end of the meal plan for a given day. Select 'Add food.' Then, using the search, add items like a banana or apple, or use the plus button in the bottom left corner to add your own product or recipe.
APP: To add a snack, use the plus button visible in the middle of the bottom of the screen, click 'add food,' then use the search to add items like a banana, apple, or use the plus button in the top right corner to add your own product.
Where to enter a discount code?
When making a purchase through the website or app, you should enter the discount code under the subscription types to choose from.
Why are there different discount codes for individual subscription plans?
These are the requirements of one of the stores.
The discount code isn't working, what should I do?
If your discount code isn't working, please contact our customer support at: support@fitlovers.pl.
If I purchase access at a discounted price, will that price always apply?
The lower promotional discount applies for a specific period of time - if you purchase access to the app for a month at the discounted price, that price will be valid for one month - similarly for other cases. After that time, the app will be available at the regular price.
If I purchase the app during a promotion and link my payment card to the subscription, will the automatically deducted amount from my account after the promotional period be the promotional price or the regular one?
The promotional price of the app is defined for a limited time. Once the subscription period purchased at the promotional price expires, the cost reverts to the regular amount. It's worth catching a discount on an annual subscription at a lower price, which means that for the entire year, we will not only be observing our weight loss goals but also a lower price deducted from our account as part of the purchase :)
How to cancel a subscription?
Depending on how you made the purchase, you can cancel your subscription as follows:
1. By logging into the www.fitlovers.pl website, then clicking on the circle with your initials (located in the upper right corner), going to "Subscription," and deactivating the subscription there.
2. By changing the settings in your mobile app on your operating system (iOS/Android).
How to purchase the app?
To change your subscription plan, you should first cancel your current subscription, wait until it expires, and then select the type of subscription you want.
I have questions about my diet/app. How can I contact you?
It's best to use the 'Chat with a Dietitian' option - click on the plus icon visible in the app, and then 'Chat with a Dietitian.' Ask all the questions that concern you, and Kamila - our dietitian - will provide you with guidance. For matters other than those related to diet, please contact us via email at: support@fitlovers.pl.
How to check when my subscription expires?
To find out when your subscription expires, log in to your account in a web browser on your computer. In the upper right corner, next to your email, click on the purple triangle and select 'Subscription.' There you will find all the information on this topic and the history of your purchases, i.e., previous plans. If you purchased access to the app through the App Store or Google Play, you will find subscription information directly in your App Store/Google Play account.
Will my subscription renew automatically?
Yes, Fit Lovers app is an app with a recurring payment plan.
When will new features be available?
We are constantly working on new solutions, so... who knows ;) If you have any feedback about the app - what to change, what to improve, what you like, what's worth adding - please let us know, for example by leaving a review in the App Store or Google Play <3
Will you be adding new recipes soon?
We are constantly working on new ones, so... who knows ;) We added a new SPINELESS DIET a month ago - which stands out for its ease and speed of meal preparation - maybe you'll find something for yourself there ;).
Are you the one answering questions directed to the dietitian?
No, at any time, you have access to an experienced and licensed dietitian, who usually only needs a few hours to respond to your question.
Together with the Fit Lovers diet

Pamela & Mateusz

We are athletes by education, experience and, above all, by passion!

We have been always dreaming that everyone eats healthy and exercises – WITHOUT STRESS!

We have created a team with experienced nutritionists, trainers, cooks and brilliant programmers who brought all the pieces together...

… That’s how our application has been created! :)
From now on, we will be your assistants to a healthy lifestyle!

A personalized diet plan, workouts, shopping list, water drinking motivator, chat with nutritionist and many other functionalities you will always have in your pocket!

We are super happy to be with you on your way to the truly healthy life!

Let’s do it together!
Fit Lovers