Welcome to Fit Lovers App! Please read the following Terms and Conditions carefully, because by using Fit Lovers App you agree to accept these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, you should restrain from using our service.
Fit Lovers App services are rendered via the website available at
www.fitlovers.pl and via an application available at App Store and
Google Play Store. For convenience, we refer to these services jointly
as " Fit Lovers App Service", " Fit Lovers App Services", or simply "Fit
Lovers App". Our services consist of compiling personalised meal plans
for our users, based on information provided by them. Fit Lovers App
Services also take into account the users' goals which are individually
defined for each of them with the use of our Service.
The owner and administrator of Fit Lovers App is Diet and Wellness sp. z
o.o., limited liability company with its registered office in Warsaw at
ul. Baletowa 30, 02-867 Warszawa, entered in the register of
entrepreneurs kept by the National Court Register under the number KRS
0000440420, NIP (Tax Identification Number) 5252544624, REGON
(National Business Registry Number) 146412710. Further in these Terms
and Conditions referred to as „Diet and Wellness”.
The moment you start using Fit Lovers App, you enter into an agreement
with Diet and Wellness. These Terms and Conditions are an integral part
of that agreement.
You cannot use Fit Lovers App if you are under 16 or if you have not
accepted the Terms and Conditions. If you violate the Terms and
Conditions and the Terms of Service of Fit Lovers App, we may delete
your account. To start using Fit Lovers App, you must first:
You are obliged to protect your Fit Lovers App log-in details. Never
disclose your login or password to any third parties.
You cannot use any Fit Lovers App account other than your own. You
cannot make your account available to any third parties.
You can use Fit Lovers App Services for your individual benefit only. We
do not agree that you use Fit Lovers App, either partly or entirely, for
any purposes other than intended – this, in particular, pertains to
consulting or informative activities aimed at other persons, and to
activities which aim to compare or otherwise present data.
You are obliged to use Fit Lovers App Services strictly in accordance
with the Terms and Conditions, the law, good online practices and
standards of online services.
When using Fit Lovers App, you must not:
As a user, you bear the costs of Internet connection and costs related
to the operation of terminal equipment that you use to access Fit Lovers
App services.
Intellectual Property and Content Responsibility
All materials we make available to our users as part of Fit Lovers App
Services, the layout and visual and text content of Fit Lovers App
website and Fit Lovers App application, are exclusively owned by Diet
and Wellness and are subject to proprietary copyrights.
Please be informed that:
In accordance with the law, we are not obliged to monitor opinions or
comments published by users in Fit Lovers App. When we are informed that
an opinion or comment infringes legal provisions, we will remove such
illegal content and we may block the respective account. We are not
responsible for the content of private opinions or comments of users, or
for any infringement of third party rights with such user publications.
In justified cases, we may be obliged to disclose to relevant bodies the
personal data of an individual who breaks the law by posting a comment
or opinion.
Technical Requirements
The following technical requirements must be met in order to enjoy Fit
Lovers App Services:
If you use Fit Lovers App Services via the website www.fitlovers.pl, you must have:
Fit Lovers App Services are also available for devices with other
operating systems, but due to technical considerations, there may be
some difficulties encountered, for which we cannot be held
Fit Lovers App Services Paid under the Agreement
What is Fit Lovers App Service
The Fit Lovers App Service provided to users by Diet and Wellness is a
program consisting of an individually designed meal plan generated based
on assumptions and guidelines provided by you and taking into
consideration the goals you set, with all additional
Terms of Use concerning Paid Fit Lovers App Services
To take advantage of the paid Fit Lovers App Services, users must have
an active account in Fit Lovers App and a valid subscription.
In order to start using paid Fit Lovers App Services, you must:
Since Diet and Wellness renders Fit Lovers App Services by providing
users with digital information, the user (you) hereby agrees that the
use of Fit Lovers App Services will start immediately after the chosen
subscription payment is credited on Diet and Wellness bank account. This
means that you will have no more than 14 days to withdraw from the
agreement since the day you receive an e-mail confirming that the
payment has been made, provided you do not start using Fit Lovers App
Services in the meantime. To use your right to withdraw from the
agreement, follow the procedure described in section "Complaints"
further down this document.
Terms of Providing Paid Fit Lovers App Services
You can start using Fit Lovers App after the bank account of Diet and
Wellness is credited with your chosen subscription fee.
By starting to use Fit Lovers App, you acknowledge and agree that:
Fees and Charges
One of the conditions to be fulfilled to be able to use Fit Lovers App
is purchasing a subscription.
Your chosen subscription is activated when the payment is confirmed to
have been credited on the account.
The validity of your subscription is expressed in days, starting from
activation until the last day of the subscription’s validity.
The subscription period is indivisible and continuous. If you pay a Fit
Lovers App subscription fee for another period before the previous
subscription period expires, this will prolong the preceding
subscription period by the number of days paid as part of the new
Fit Lovers App Services are available in the following subscription
Subscription Period | Price |
30 days (1 month) | EURO 13 |
90 days (3 months) | EURO 29 |
360 days (12 months) | EURO 69 |
The above subscription fees are expressed in Euro (EURO) and are gross
amounts, meaning that they already include the VAT.
The only way to purchase a subscription is to pre-pay the appropriate
amount in one of the ways suggested by the payment operator.
Blocking or Deleting Fit Lovers App Account
If a user publishes any materials that are illegal or against the Terms
and Conditions, we have the right to block Fit Lovers App for such a
person for the time necessary to clarify the matter or remove said
If Diet and Wellness blocks the use of Fit Lovers App Services under the
Terms and Conditions, this does not result in suspension or
discontinuation of the subscription.
Deleting the Account
You can delete your Fit Lovers App account at any time.
You agree that we can delete your Fit Lovers App account if, despite
warnings or even blocking the account, you continue to grossly infringe
the Terms and Conditions,
If your account is deleted, so is - irretrievably - all information we
gather about the user.
Deleting the account will be deemed as the user's termination of Fit
Lovers App Services Agreement with immediate effect.
All complaints related to Fit Lovers App Services should be made by
electronic communication to: support@fitlovers.pl
Any such complaint should contain identification of the user and a brief
description of the occurrence.
Complaints are reviewed within 14 (fourteen) days after receiving, and
the submitting user will be informed about the results of the complaint
via email to the address the user specified as the one for
communications related to Fit Lovers App Services.
Final Provisions
We reserve the right to modify the Terms and Conditions, you are
therefore advised to stay updated about the Fit Lovers App rules.
Moreover, we will inform you about any such changes to the Terms and
Conditions via Fit Lovers App.
The provisions of the Polish law apply in all matters not governed in
the Terms and Conditions.
All disputes arising in connection with the use of Fit Lovers App
Services will be, if necessary, resolved by a relevant Polish common
court, in accordance with the Polish law and in the Polish
If any of the provisions in the Terms and Conditions are or become
invalid by way of final and binding court ruling, this will have no
effect on the validity of the remaining provisions.
The Terms and Conditions become effective on 25.06.2020.